
Built 1880
10 Holophotal lens with doty burners in Argand lamps
5 groups of two mounted bi-form ( above the other)
Fl 5 sec

Holophotal lens replaced by Catoptric mirrors - mercury bath.
55mm Paraffin vapour lamp
Character change
From FL 5 sec
To FL (2) 30 sec
Installation by Messers Parsons and Co £561

Automation - Status changed from Major to Minor light
Range reduced from 21 to 12 miles

Catoptric mirrors - mercury bath removed to Museum of Scottish Lighthouses
Replaced by two ML300 Tideland lanterns with 60 watt twin filament bulbs
mounted bi-form
May 2012 Pelangi 6 lamp autochanger with 12 volt 50 watt bulbs replaced twin filament bulbs
Fl (2) 30 sec.( fl 1.1, ec 4.6,fl 1.1, ec 23.2)

Optic 1 Nicad 12v 214ah
Monitor 1 Nicad 12v 131 ah
Optic 2 Nicad 12v 214ah
Monitor 2 Nicad 12v 131 ah

Fog signal
Two 3½ hp Otto Patent Gas powered engines driving compressors
Gas produced from mineral oil using Keiths Patent Process
Siren and trumpet of type patented by Messrs. Edmundson of Dublin

Siren sounds for 5 seconds, with intervals af 40 seconds

New fog signal in 1911

Early 1940's Kelvin twin cylinder engines
Siren 2 blasts of 2½ sec every 60 secs.

Fog siren discontinued in 1987

Explanation of Fog Horn-Siren

Shore link for radio communication to Chicken Rock Light and previously to Calf of Man Light before it was discontinued

2012 Radio communication to Chicken Rock discontinued
Chicken Rock communucation now by satellite link