Reported to Killantringan Lighthouse(South West Scotland). The main reason for going to Killantringan was to learn about Paraffin Lights. Clicking on Paraffin Lights hopefully gives a fairly full description. It was drummed into me that cleanliness counts for everything with paraffin lights,clean them regularly and they are extremely dependant. ------------------------------------------------------Copyright Peter Clarke Accommodation for me at the lighthouse,was a small two roomed building,one room for the toilet and one room with bunk beds,table,chairs,sink and a cooker,which was to be my home for about three weeks. Whilst there I was also introduced to Limewashing the tower and painting the dome.I think they liked to get the most out of any supernumararies they had on the station. The lighthouse was built on a headland and quite often in the morning,fog would hang about for about two hours,you could go half a mile down the road and be in bright sunshine and see for miles,yet at the lighthouse visibilty was about a hundred meters,all good practice. As with all things to do with the lighthouse service,remain on good terms with the assistants as you travel around?At least two of the assistants at stations I was at as an SLK. became PLK's at stations I was later posted to! |