Douglas Head
1832 Built by Douglas Harbour Commissioners
Fixed white light with 8 reflectors composed of pure silver and which bear date 1831. Range 16 miles
1859 Transferred to Northern Lighthouse Board
1892 Complete rebuild
Start made to demolish lighthouse houses
New tower built and equipped.
After old light was extinguished,lantern and equipment removed
tower demolished to a level 10 foot below level of lantern
New tower and light bought into operation that evening.
Old tower then completely demolished and new houses built
Lightkeepers and families resided in Douglas until building works completed
Dioptic 2nd order lens FL(6) 30 secs Range 16 miles
6 bulls eye lens plus 180 degree dioptric spherical mirror lens
Brass Plate in Lightroom Removed when light automated
Dioptric second-order flashing white light,showing a number of flashes-six-in quick succession during a period of about 15 seconds,followed by a period of darkness of about 15 seconds.
Designed by Messrs Stevenson.Civl Engineers.Edinburgh.
Constructed by Messrs Barbier et Cie.Paris and Messrs Jas.Dove and Co.Edinburgh.
David A.Stevenson.Engineer to the Board. 1892
Dioptric apparatus by Barbier & Co (Paris)
4 wick concentric burner
wind every 30 minutes
Originally had a wick light but sometime after 1903 a Paraffin Vapour Burner was installed
1979 250 watt Mercury Vapour lamp
replaces Chance Brothers 55mm pv burner
Clockwork drive retained
1/4/1986 Automated
AGA PRB21A Gearless drive + Sealed Beam array installed
FL 10 sec
Range 24 miles
Residential property sold
Sealite Lanterns Type SL-300-1D5-2
Nominal Range 15 miles

Sealite Lanterns Type SL-300-1D5-2
Operational 18/1/2018
All Lanterns flash in normal operation
One lantern section gives nominal range 15 miles

1986 Tinted perspex screen introduced
The Dioptic 2nd order lens gave a range of 16 miles
When sealed beam unit fitted in 1986 increased range to 24 miles
Some Douglas residents complained of increased light intensity
So perspex screens added
2018 Nominal range reduced to 15 miles but with all four units operational still a bright light -
So screens retained
1908 Reed Type Fog signal established
All building and running expenses including salary of a new second
assistant keeper met by Isle of Man Harbour Board.
Shows where original fog signal was moved about 120 yards after complaints about "Moaning Minnie"

1938 New Fog Signal installed at a cost of about £2,000 to Douglas Harbour Board
Plus maintenance charges of about £300 per year
1938 Fog Signal in the square outbuilding.
1938 Lister engines two (18/2 series)
Diesel engines run on a paraffin/oil mix (4 gallons paraffin to ½ pint of oil)
Reavell compressors
Diaphone Every 20 sec.
1975 Discontinued.
PLK house/Engineroom reverts to Isle of Man Harbour Board